Dental veneers, crowns, onlays, inlays, and bridges are important restorations that enhance the health and functionality of the natural teeth. A sparkling smile can be an enormous confidence boost and have a dramatic effect on a person’s appearance.
Veneers, crowns, onlays, overlays, and dental bridges are renowned for their strength, durability, and exceptional optical properties. Our Dental restorations are completely metal-free and are constructed from inorganic material which is baked and cured at high temperatures.
At Dentistry For You OKC, we have many natural-looking restorations, including:
Veneers – These veneers are wafer-thin ceramic covers that fit permanently over natural teeth. Veneers are perfect for covering disfigured and stained teeth. They are stain and bacteria-resistant, strong, and can be manufactured to match the natural tooth shade.
Crowns – These crowns are generally placed after root canal therapy or after the removal of tooth decay. With proper care, crowns can last for well over a decade, and again, can be matched exactly to the natural tooth shade. There is no visible, ugly metal edge, just a sensational result.
Inlays/Onlays – Inlays and onlays are currently being used to replace the traditional amalgam fillings. Amalgam is unpleasant to view and unhealthy for the body. Our inlays and overlays are strong, healthy, and usually invisible to onlookers.
Bridges – Bridges are a completely natural-looking way to replace missing teeth. Metal bridges are often highly visible and make the teeth look shorter. When the procedure is done at Dentistry for You OKC, bridges are almost impossible to spot and restore symmetry and sparkle to the smile.
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